Saturday, July 4, 2015

Boobs, in any case Or (Bikinis and Breast Feeding)

As I scroll through my social media feed, I read posts concerning whether or not female breasts are sexually provocative, or simply instruments intended for the nurture of children.  The idea seems to be that we ought to look at them one way as opposed to the other, or at least that people generally will.

I think this issue arises from two problems that are probably inseparable, but which I will define separately.  As a male-dominated society, we fail to consider motherhood seriously.  We say that we value it, and perhaps we do, but do not think through it as a society that respects either the mothers or the children.  Children need breast-milk, or at least do better with it.  The improved nutritional content supports the child physically, while intimacy supports the child emotionally.  By not allowing mothers to feed in public places comfortably without shame, we do a great disservice both to the mothers in our society and to the children - our children.  I could go on and talk about economics, but I won't.

The second problem we that when discussing these issues we seem to divide human body parts into these two categories: sexual, and non-sexual.  In this separation we are either supposed to look at breasts or whatever body part one way or the other, and looking at that part differently reflects some amount of moral perversion.  This is an incredibly unreflective and obviously wrong approach.

Let's talk about my hands.  Okay, they don't have to be my hands, they can be whoever's hands you prefer.  In any case, let's talk about hands.  What are hands for?  What do they do?  Are they sexual?  Are they non-sexual?  Can they build things?  Can they be used to feed children?  Can they touch you softly?  What about lips?  We use lips to talk, to instruct and convey affection to our children.  Hell, we kiss our children.  Is kissing a sexual act, or a non-sexual act?  It is not either this or that, one thing or the other.  There is no mutual exclusion here.  We are whole beings from head to toe.  Everything about us is non-sexual, even the sex.  And everything about us is sexual, even the intellect I use to write these words.

So, let the ladies wear nursing bras or push-up bras or no bras at all in public.  For the men who are nervous that they might be confused to see a set of breasts feeding a child and loose either perspective or self-control, I say grow a set of balls and develop a little self-discipline.  For the ladies who spend their time intensely judging other ladies from one side of this issue or the other, I can say that I think you are ultimately making life harder on yourself by supporting cultural perspectives that are aimed to restrain you one way or the other.

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